How to buy SRX
How to buy Syrex (SRX) on Uniswap and PancakeSwap (AMMs)
Last updated
How to buy Syrex (SRX) on Uniswap and PancakeSwap (AMMs)
Last updated
This will be a guide on how to buy SRX from Automated Market Making (AMM) exchanges such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap. At the moment SRX will only be available on Uniswap with plans for a BSC SRX in the near future.
This guide will NOT be covering how to buy SRX on exchanges such as LBank and BKEX.
1. Go to the MetaMask website
2. Install the MetaMask Chrome Extension
3. Add the Chrome Extension to your browser
The extension is installed when the MetaMask fox logo is shown in the top right corner of your browser. You may also pin/unpin the fox logo to your extensions bar by selecting the puzzle piece that is adjacent and selecting the pin icon beside MetaMask.
In order to use MetaMask for your cryptocurrencies you will first need to setup a personal wallet. The instructions below will guide you through the process:
1. Select the MetaMask extension in the top right corner of your browser.
2. You will be shown the Terms and Conditions of MetaMask which you will need to accept in order to proceed.
3. Create a password, this will be used to login to your MetaMask wallet for daily use.
4. A set of 12 seed words will be shown for your vault. These words should be written down/saved to a secure location as they will be the only way to recover your wallet in case of an emergency. This phrase will also be required to migrate your MetaMask account over to new devices. Do NOT share this phrase with anyone as it can compromise the security of your wallet and assets.
You now have a functioning cryptocurrency wallet that can be used for multiple different blockchains.
1. Go to the Uniswap App and input the SRX contract address for the Ethereum Main net: new contract address here and then select the token you wish to exchange for SRX.
2. Connect your wallet in the top right hand corner of the page. This will prompt you to connect your wallet to the website and you must approve this to perform the trade.
3. Click on the settings icon in the right corner of the swap window and set your slippage to 12%. This is required as SRX has a transaction tax of 10% that will be deducted from the total tokens purchased/sold.
4. Select the amount of ETH/USDT/USDC/DAI you would like to exchange for SRX and click confirm. This will open a window in your MetaMask account that will ask you to confirm this transaction for a variable gas fee. (Make sure you have enough ETH to cover the cost of the transaction or you will not be able to purchase/sell your SRX tokens, if gas is too high at the desired time of purchase try coming back in a few hours and see if the network has cleared of congestion.)
5. Welcome to the Syrex Army! Head over to our socials to talk to any of the team members or the website to get started staking your SRX!
Reminder: You can purchase ETH directly from your Metamask wallet or, from your preferred exchange. If you decide to transfer ETH from an exchange make sure to double check your wallet address when withdrawing.